Showing 19276-19300 of 36042 Results  matching ""

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1923 or Earlier, White 40, Wichita Kansas

White Bus 1.5 ton. M. Foerster. Brecksville, OH. 1914.


Model 54 Chassis, 3/4 Front View

New Haven Hospital CONNE

Model 54 Chassis, Left Side View of Chassis

Ohio State Telephone Co Side view

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Model 54 Chassis, Right side high view of chassis

White Model 54 Bus. Action Pictures.

White Model 54 Bus. Special. 1926. Print.

White Bus Model 54B. Action Pictures.

White 5 Ton Trucks, Farr Brick CO, Cleveland, Ohio

White Model 54 Bus. Action Pictures.


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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

MOdel 51, with winch

White Model 40 Bus. GE. Glacier Park Transportation Co.

Model 51, Gas O Car, Action Picture

White Bus 1.5 ton. Interurban Auto Car No. 1. 1913-1914.

Group of Four, Model 51,