Model 942, Shell Oil Co of Venezuela Neg and
Model 942, Shell Oil Co of Venezuela Neg and
Model 942, Shell Oil Co of Venezuela Neg and
Model 942, Shell Oil Co of Venezuela Neg and
Model 942, Shell Oil Co of Venezuela, Neg and
Model 942, Asiatic Petro Co of Egypt Neg ant
Model 942, Asiatic Petro Co of Egypt Neg ant
Model 942, Asiatic Petro Co of Egypt Neg ant
Model 942, Asiatic Petro Co of Egypt Neg ant
Model 802, Western Maryland Dairy Neg Only
Vacuum Oil of South Africa
Vacuum Oil Co of South Africa
Model 805, Van 6 Wheel, 3/4 Front View Neg Only
Model 805, 6 Wheel Axle, Rear Door Open Neg and
Model 810-s, Coroley's Dairy, Compressor for Refridgeeration Unit, Neg and
Model 802, Knudsen's, Los Angeles, Calf
Model 810, National Breweies Ltd , Montreal, Quebec Neg only
Model 810, NAtional Breweries, Ltd, Quebec Neg Only
C O E Cab, Interior Seats Left Side Neg and
COE Cab Interior, Right Side
COE Cab Interior
Gear Shifter
Gear Shifter Neg and
Gear shifter
COE cab Interior seats Neg Only