Showing 51-75 of 4687 Results  matching ""

WA 22

Model C40, tractor with deluxe cab and 3425 gallon tank trailer built by Pike Trailer Co. Korn Oil Co. Los Angeles, CA. August 21, 1940.

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WC 2864 Pioneer Drilling Co Casper WY

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Snyder Motor Co. Group of Whites.

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30001A. First Autocar built in 1897. Picture taken in 1944 with Louis S. Clarke, founder of the Company.

Rear Axle model SD-420, Side View, Wheels Off Neg Only; No

Inside the Coach assembly plant.

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

White model 701; New York City Parts Display. December 4, 1933

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24AK engine, right side.

Rear Axle 21-C, Frame Neg and

WC 2864 Campbell Coal Co Atlanta GA

Wc 22 Various Views

Chassis E Farrow Memphis Tenn

White Model 788 Bus. K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines.

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4 in 1 shot. 1948.