Showing 32826-32850 of 36042 Results  matching ""

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Hauling Truck Unloading Lumber in What Appears to be a Housing Development. Lumber Company, Seattle, Washington.

Diamond T Company. Interesting and Early Black & White Image of a Large Fleet of Delivery Trucks Positioned Under a Bridge. Dugan Brothers Home Baking, Brooklyn, New York & Newark, New Jersey. Image Labeled: Diamond T 1926.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Hauling Truck Positioned at a Lumberyard. Company Name Partially Obscured, Concrete Building Products.

Diamond T Company. Interesting Black & White Image of Tractor with Double Trailer Positioned on a Road with the Driver Posing at Center. Carling Breweries Limited.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tanker Truck. Tattersall's, Trenton, New Jersey. Image Labeled: Diamond Reo CF83 Series.

Diamond T Company. Interesting and Early Black & White Image of a Specialized Delivery Truck or Van. Dairylea Milk, Inwood Farms, Inc., Harrision, New York.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor with Open, Unloaded Trailer. The Photograph is Interesting Because it is an Everyday Scene Taken at a Gas Service Station.

Diamond T Company. Picturesque Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer Driving Along a Scenic Highway. Southern Pacific Truck Service.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer Parked in Front of a Company Building. Central Storage & Transfer Company of Harrisburg.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Hauling Truck. Rubino Produce Company. Hockensmith Corporation Sign Displayed on Background Building. Image Labeled PB-61.

Diamond T Company. Bright Yellow Truck of Elgin Storage & Transfer Company, Elgin, Illinois. Image Labeled: Diamond T Model 509SC.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Early Truck. U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Possibly an Event or Display with Several Individuals Gathered Around a Demonstration of Some Type. Natural, Unscripted Photograph.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer with Background Mountains. E. A. Tolman Livestock Transportation. Image Labeled: 5963.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Only. This is a Company Photograph with Dimensional Information Perhaps Used for Selling or Presentation Purposes.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer with Three Unidentified Men Posing in Foreground. Trans-Canada Highway Express, Edmonton.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer. Midwest Coast Transport Incorporated, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Truck Loaded with Lumber. Westfield-Cranford Building Supply Company.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer Tanker Taken from a Unique Aerial Perspective, Perhaps from a Highway Overpass. Econoflo.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of an Unmarked Delivery Van in a Residential Area with Driver Presumably Unloading a Chair. Image Labeled: 5067-1.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of an Open-Bed Pickup or Hauling Truck with Load and Interesting Architecture in Background. Taco Heaters Incorporated, Providence, RI.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of a Tractor Trailer with Interesting Architecture in Background. Image Labeled: 63153. Image Further Identified as a Tilt-Cab Tractor Model 931C All-American.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer. The Image is in the Process of Being Manipulated for Some Unknown Purpose as the Background is Partially "White Out". Fox Trucking Company, Schonrock Cable.

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Tractor Trailer. Whites Trucking Service, Miami, Florida (labeled as such).

Diamond T Company. Black & White Image of Company Facility, Perhaps Sales & Service as the Building is Heavily Signed "Diamond T Trucks Trailers Kentucky". Background Partially Whited Out.