Showing 31476-31500 of 36042 Results  matching ""

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41,000 miles. White Horse. Measuring crankshaft.

White Horse, 41000 Miles. Testing Camshaft gears.

41000 Mile White Horse. Making wrist pin.

41000 Miles. White Horse. Examining Clutch.

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

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Model 804, Coca Cola Bottling Co , Lowell, Mass Neg Only

White Model 798 Bus. Hill Bus Co. March, 1940.

White Model 798 Bus. Hill Bus Co. March, 1940.

White Model 798 Bus. Hill Bus Co. March, 1940.

White Model 798 Bus. Hill Bus Co. March, 1940.

White Horse. Dreadnaught Doors w/ windows.

White Model 53 Bus. Cleveland Transfer Co. Cleveland, OH. 1929

No Information,

Model 804, Coca Cola Bottling Co , Lowell, Mass Nag Only

Model 818, Cleveland Cuilders Supply Co , 2 trucks Neg and

White Horse 99. Shady Grove Dairy. Ontario. Fleet of 3.

Model 820-A, City of Westmount, Montreal, Quebec, Water Truck, Side View Neg Only

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Model 820A, City of West Mount, Montreal, Quebec, 1/4 Front View Neg Only

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Model 810, Lee Way Motor Freight Co , Oklahoma City, Okla Neg only

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