Showing 31226-31250 of 36042 Results  matching ""

White Bus-1010 Bradford Trans System, interior, front to rear 1939

White Bus-1010 Bradford Trans System, interior, back to front 1939

White Bus-1010 Bradford Trans System, fare box 1939

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Sears Roebuck & Co. White Horse 166.

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Model 804, Cab Interior, Side R Neg and

White Horse Crankshaft.

White Horse Crankshaft. Horizontal View.

White Horse Cylinder. Vertical View. Negative only.

Model 804, Cab Interior, Stearing Side View Neg and

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Horse Cylinder. Vertical view. Negative only.

White Horse Model 200. Without body. Negative only.

Model 950, Asiatic Petro Co of Venezuela Neg adn

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White Horse model 200. Without body, showing placement of engine in rear of truck.

White Horse Demonstration cab. Interior side- right.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.

White Bus Model 805M. Chicago Surface Lines.