Showing 30951-30975 of 36042 Results  matching ""

White Bus-1010 Chassis, 3/4 right front view 1939

White Bus-Model 1010 Chassis, right side view 1939

White Bus-Model 1010 Chassis, 3/4, right view

White Bus-Model 1010 Chassis,3/4 right rear view, close up 1939

White Bus-1010 Interior view, back to front with engine cover up 1939

White Bus Model 54A. Philatelic Exhibit, U.S. Post Office Department. President Roosevelt and Farley (pictured). June, 1939. Negative.

Model 99 Demonstrator View, with labels, of drawers to the right of driver's position. Spang's Baking Co. Cleveland, OH. 1940. No negative.

White Horse 116, Front/Side View.

White Horse Standard, Model 116. Negative only.

White Horse Standard Model 116. Negative only.

White Horse Standard Model 116. Negative only.

White Horse 116, Showing Folding Seat w/ Operator.

White Horse Standard, Interior, Drivers Seat. Negative only.

White Horse 116, Roll Down.

White Horse 116, Shown with back open.

White Horse, Door Closed.

White Horse Standard Interior. Negative only.

Model 810T, Silver Fleet Side R

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Model 810 T, Silver Fleet, Fleet of Four

Model 810T, COE, Silver Fleet Neg Only

White Horse 116, Seat in place and showing interior to front.

White Bus-Model 1010 Drawing, right side 1939

White Horse, Showing interior to front, with seat up.

White Model 788 Bus. Continental Oil Co. Conoco.