White Model 706M Bus. Comfort Bus Line Inc. Wallington, NJ
Model 812, New York Power & Light CO , Albany N,Y Neg Only
Model 810, Washington Water Power Co , Spokane, wash
White Model 784 bus. San Francisco Street Railway. 1938
White Model 784 bus. San Francisco Street Railway. 1938
White Model 784 bus. San Francisco Street Railway. 1938
White Model 784 bus (interior). San Francisco Street Railway. 1938
White model 800M bus. Demonstrator. 1938
White model 800M bus. Demonstrator. 1938
White model 800M bus. Demonstrator. 1938
White model 800M bus. Demonstrator. 1938
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Model 704K, Trucking Inc , Cleveland, Ohio
Model 991, Dump Neg and
Highland Sleeper Cab 3/4 Front
Model 722 T Harrison Drge Crop Newark, N J (John F Trommer, Inc )
Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.
Orville Sleeper Cab 3/4 Front
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White Model 686 bus. Christy's Landcruiser. 1938
White Model 686 bus (interior). Christy's Landcruiser. 1938
White Model 686 bus. Christy's Landcruiser. 1938
White Model 686 bus (interior). Christy's Landcruiser. 1938
Model 800, Chassis, Gear Shifter in Stering Column Neg and
Model 800, Chassis, Stering Wheel and Gear Shifters