Showing 30351-30375 of 36042 Results  matching ""

White Model 788 Bus. Broadway. 1937. Glass plate.

White Model 788 Bus. 1937. Glass plate.

White Model 788 Bus Engine Parts 1937

White Bus model 788 engine parts 1937

White Bus model 788 parts (extensions?) 1937

White Model 788 Bus. Body Construction. 1937.

White Bus model 788 prop shaft 1937

White Bus model 788 (angle of tire housing) 1937

White Bus model 788 (castings) 1937

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Model 750, Chassis, Side veiw

Model 750, chassis, 3/4 rear View

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White Model 788 Bus. Newark Truck Show. 1937.

White Model 50 Bus. Woodward and Lothrop Transfer Coach. December, 1923.

Newark truck show 805. American Can Co. 788 bus in background.

Model 818, Austin Nichols & Co , Brooklyn N Y Neg Only

White Model 780 Bus, rear to front view of interior.

White Model 780 Bus, close-up of the front interior.

White Model 684 Bus. Hempstead Bus Corp.

White Model 684 Bus. Hempstead Bus Corp.

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.