6A Pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus accessory frive from front 1932-33
A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus oil cooler 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus rear engine mount 1932-33
Model 68 bus, rear axle tube-wheel end. 1932.
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus accessory drive from front 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus accessory drive from rear 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus air compressor and generator mounted on accessory drive 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus generator mounted on accessory drive 1932-33
6A pancake engine used in Model 68 Bus generator mounted on accessory drive 1932-33
Model 68 Bus, rear axle, rear view. 1932.
Model 68 Bus rear axle, front view. 1932.
Model 68 Bus, rear axle, brake assembly. 1932.
Model 68 Bus, rear axle, brake assembly. 1932.
Clutch used with 6A engine 1932
Clutch used with 6A engine 1932
Model 68 front axle, brake assembly. 1932.
White Model 68 Bus-City Coach. 1932.
White Truck Model 53, Bender Body De Luxe Delivery. Sterling and Welch Co. Cleveland, Ohio
White model 54 bus (two views). Great Eastern Stages. 1932
White model 54 bus. Great Lakes Stages, 1932
Model 643 SW, drawing. Terminal Construction Co
Model 691, SW 410, 3/4 Front L Neg and
Model 691, Side View right Neg and
Mdel 621; Tractor Kroger