Showing 27776-27800 of 36042 Results  matching ""

White 45 Swerdlin's Akron OH

White 5 Ton Truck YOunger Dairy Co Chicago, Ill

White 5 Ton Truck The Younger Dairy Co Chicago, Ill

White 5 Ton Truck, The Younger Dairy Company Chicago, Ill

White 45 The Geo Worthington Co Cleveland OH

White 45

White Busses Model 15-45 (Park Type) Wallapai; Zuni Grand Canyon National Park 1920-1923 neg (three views)

White Group Johnson and Chrenis, Chicago Ill

White Group, Ferrari Bros , San Francisco Ca

White 1500 lb The Velvert Ice Cream Dayteh Co , Dayton Ohio

White 5 Ton Truck Riley Rendering Co Louisville, amss

WHite 5 Ton Truck, Hinkley Rendering Co Louisville, Mass

Model 50 Chassis G R June 1925

Model 58 SS Dump City of NY

Model 58 SS Dump City of NY

Model 58 SS City of NY

Model 58 SS City of NY

Special Metro cab 3/4 Front

Special Metro Cab

Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

White 5 Ton, Taylor Coal Co

WA-122, Putnam Oil Co Inc , Covington Pa Neg and

Special Metro Cab Interior

Model 58 SS NYC Garbage truck in Long Island City Branch

Model 631 Borden's Farm Products Co