Showing 26376-26400 of 36042 Results  matching ""

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Model 61's 5 Trucks Dairyland Inc

Creme - Freez, Ice Cream

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

Bordens Milk and Cream,

Model 58, The Telling Belle-Vernon Co Cleveland Ohio

Model 58, Bordens Farm Products

Model 60, Tool PUsher

Model 60 - Tool Pusher

Model 60 Tol PUsher

WB Morse and Sons Rochester NY

Model 60 CW Dietz York, PA

White 5 Ton, Edwin M Hill, Pittsburg, PA

Model 60 Deluxe WA Trucks Baltimore MD

Model 63; Dump Wonder Coal St Louis, MO

Concrete Mixer, General Material St Louis

Rikes Kumler Co

Concrete Mixer General Material , ST LOUIS

5 TON,

Model 52, Concrete MIxer, Action View

Concrete Mexer, General Material, St Louis

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Concrete Mixer, Model 52, General Material, St Louis