31758C Factory. Balancing driveshaft. Ardmore, PA. 1955.
Crankshaft and connecting rod bearings from 501 engine with 50842 miles Factory photo Feb 13, 1952
Model 691-SD-452 Neg and
White 5 ton. TM Morgan. Everett, WA.
Model HCS265H Bly Logging Co. Sprague River, OR. Truck owned by Boyd Blair. Ernest Sternberg collection.
Model C7062S, tandem axle straight truck with tank body. Petroleum Heat & Power Co. Stamford, CT. June 11, 1951.
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San Francisco - San Jose Transportation Co
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Model 5218. Berea School Bus. Wayne body.
24A engine, top side without intake manifold
White Model 788 Bus. Venezuela.
Model DC100TN, tractor with deluxe cab and Fruehauf trailer. R. W. Burkhead. Greenville, SC. February 19, 1947.
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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.
Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.
Model DC75T, pumper truck with driver cab and GM 6-71 diesel engine Cecil Fire Co # 1, Monroe Township, NJ circa 1968
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Model unknown, diesel tractor with tandem axle tank trailer. Defiance Asphalt Corp. Fort Edward, NY. Color photo.
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24A engine, right front. 1949.
Model 99. 3/4 right rear view with driver stepping back into truck. Golden Guernsey Dairy. Milwaukee, WI. 1939.
WC 28. Richland Atomic Energy Comm. Interior.
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White Bus. Demonstrating new type of push out window used on model 1144 Bus.