White Model 798 Bus Coach. Vandalia Bus Lines, Inc. St. Louis.
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31761J Factory. Installing tandem rear axles onto Hendrickson suspension, Autocar factory, Ardmore, PA. 1955.
Scranton Transit Co. Scranton, PA. 1952.
Stake Canada Paint Ltd. Montreal Canada
White Model 50 Bus. Joseph Hart. Malden, MA. 1922-1923. Negative.
Model HB2755D Sterling White, view of right side of engine Truck was one of 50 built Factory photo 1953
WC 28. Richland Atomic Energy Comm. Interior.
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Model DC10364S, tandem axle diesel tractor with tandem axle lowboy trailer. Ari lusaat T. A. S., Istanbul, Turkey. 1956.
Model 15, Coca Cola Bottling Co NYC
30038A Model U, fuel tank straight truck. Kunkel's Heating Oil. Pennsylvania. 1948.
Model C5566, 6 wheel drive tandem axle cab and chassis. Factory photo.
Model C6564, tandem axle straight truck with cement mixer body. Warner Co. Philadelphia, PA.
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White Model 798 Bus. Dallas Bus Line. Texas.
WA 20 w/ solid tires. Farm Equipment. Fontana, CA.
Model 810, Pittsburgh Garbage truck, Dump Truck bed Up Neg only
Model 99 left side of first truck produced, photographed with wrong hubcaps. 1939. No negative.
Railcar City of Pineville Pineville, OR 1923
Expo Photo. Dream Bus Interior. Girl operating air.
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Quick removable cab on U70 and U90 models, front of engine from right side with cab removed. Factory photo. June 21, 1951
White Horse Misc. Dem & Tests. White Horse Demonstration. Negative only.
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