Showing 1-25 of 4687 Results  matching ""

White 704. Bell South. New York

White Trucks.

White Model 798 Buses. San Francisco RR.

Installing a 24A engine and transmission in bus 1948

Tucson Warehouse & Transfer Co. Arizona

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Road Oiler

1920 5-ton truck. Tour of US Truck Trains

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Outside Body Frame. 1948.

M2/M3 half-track

WC 22 Ouside Air Intake; Red Wing Carriers

WC 28 Chassis

Photo with 2 Trucks. Weicker Transfer Co. Denver, CO.

Inner City Lines. New Jersey-New York Transit Co.

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White Group A I Namm and Son Brooklyn NY

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Caption Missing. Click to us identify this photograph.

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Capital Transit Officials at Coach Plant. April, 1949.

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4 in 1 shot. 1948.

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